AI 主導のブランドコンテンツの力を引き出す


Omneky's Brand Management dashboard organizing brand guidelines, brand voice messaging, assets


Nvidiaの高度なAIテクノロジーを搭載したOmneky's Brand LLMは、包括的なコンテンツ生成ソリューションを提供します。広告戦略をコントロールして、オーディエンスと本当につながる、パフォーマンスの高い広告を作成しましょう。

Unleash Your Brand's Full Potential

Omneky's LLM (Large Language Model)

Omneky’s LLM customizes content creation for your brand's voice and target audiences, ensuring consistent and impactful messaging across all platforms.

Brand Safety & Monitoring

Safeguard your brand's reputation with AI-driven monitoring. Detect and mitigate risks like copyright violations and inappropriate content across your digital channels.

Brand Safe Content, brand voice elements

Centralized Brand Assets

Organize and secure all your brand assets—logos, colors, fonts, and more—in one location. Maintain consistency across every touchpoint.

Omnichannel Insights & Reporting

Gain comprehensive, omnichannel insights into your brand's performance. Track metrics, analyze trends, and optimize strategies to drive growth.

Omneky's Creative Analytics dashboard displaying various ad performance metrics and creative examples.

Streamlined Content Approval

Accelerate content creation with automated approval workflows. Collaborate seamlessly to ensure every piece meets your brand's standards before it goes live.

Omneky Approval Dashboard, edit request being resolved, launching across wide variety of channels
Brand Safe Content, brand voice elements
Omneky's Creative Analytics dashboard displaying various ad performance metrics and creative examples.
Omneky Approval Dashboard, edit request being resolved, launching across wide variety of channels

Omneky's Brand LLM

Our platform is designed for seamless collaboration across your entire organization


Ensure consistent messaging and visuals across campaigns.


Easily access and use approved brand assets for all creative projects.


Gain a comprehensive view of brand health and make data-driven decisions to drive growth.

Social Media

Monitor brand conversations, respond promptly to mentions, and ensure all content aligns with your brand voice.


Protect your brand from unauthorized use and potential legal issues.

Create Content that Speaks Your Brand Voice


Profile picture of Omiana CEO, Kevin Schrantz

Kevin Schrantz

CEO, Omiana


Profile picture of Runa Marketing Director, Ana Sordo

Ana Sordo

Marketing Director, Runa HR


Profile picture of Unlock CMO, Michael Micheletti

Michael Micheletti

CMO, Unlock


Profile picture of Bento Cart CoFounder, Joseph Lai

Joseph Lai

CoFounder, Bentocart


Profile picture of Thndr Operations Manager, Abdelrahman Azzam

Abdelrahman Azzam

OM, Thndr


Profile picture of Vital CoFounder, Simon Burns

Simon Burns

CoFounder, Vial Trials

“Omneky uses AI-generated ads to save a lot of time, especially on static images. The future of creative is going to be about writing the best mini-briefs for the AI to find the best piece of creative and copy for your target audience.”

Profile picture of Hway Gobal CMO, Julio Arrieta

Julio Arrieta

Global CMO, H.way

“Looking at Omneky’s product, it was clear that the platform was very easy to navigate, user-friendly, and positioning us for success because there were mechanisms in place which helped both parties ensure they were always on top of deliverables.”

Manuel Rendon, CEO, Timeplast. Omneky customer.

Manuel Rendon

CEO, Timeplast

